- Antlion
- Welcome
- License
- How-To Guides
- Getting Started
- Libraries
- Artifacts
- Subprojects
- Repositories
- Policy Strategies
- Format Strings
- Extending Antlion
- Tutorials
- First Tutorial: Simple
- Ant Tasks
inner processors
inner repositories
- Optional Tasks
- About optional tasks
- RegexpTokenFormatter
Antlion v0.9.0 Manual
The Antlion experiment separates the Antlion concerns into three
- Libraries handle external
files that a project has dependencies on.
- Artifacts represent files created by
a project, that get published or used by other projects.
- Subprojects indicate what other
projects a project depends upon.
These three categories naturally have dependencies upon one another, but
can be used independently.
Use the navigation bar on the left-hand side to browse the manual. If this
is your first time looking at the manual, then you should read these pages
in the order listed in that navigation bar.
Antlion Requirements
To use the basic Antlion, you must meet the following requirements:
JDK 1.2 or higher. This is also required by Ant 1.6.
Ant version 1.6.0 or higher. Ant includes many different optional
libraries, and Antlion contains several dependencies upon these:
ant.jar (this is the core Ant library)
ant-nodeps.jar (Doesn't require any external dependencies. This is
only needed if you plan on using the Proxy capabilities of the
Maven repository.)
ant-apache-bsf.jar (only needed if you use the
processor. See the Ant documentation on
<library dependencies>
for information on this jar file's external dependencies)