- Antlion
- Welcome
- License
- How-To Guides
- Getting Started
- Libraries
- Artifacts
- Subprojects
- Repositories
- Policy Strategies
- Format Strings
- Extending Antlion
- Tutorials
- First Tutorial: Simple
- Ant Tasks
inner processors
inner repositories
- Optional Tasks
- About optional tasks
- RegexpTokenFormatter
library-policy Processors
Library processors are the brains of Antlion - they look at each
<library> , and integrate it into the Ant script.
For an introduction to processors, see the how-to
guide on policies.
Each processor has an associated priority that defines when in the
processing order it gets executed. The processors execute against
each contained <library> element.
If a <library> element has an attribute in the
form type-name="false" , where name is a
processor tag name, then processors with that tag name will not be
run against that library. The priorities are ordered like this:
- Pre-repositories:
processors that must run before the
repositories can locate the files.
- Repositories:
finds the physical location of the
library-entries. Note that repository processors only look at
the directly listed entries, not at the linked libraries. See
<repository> for details. Repositories
are registered through the <libraryDef> ,
not the <library-policy> .
- Properties:
creates Ant properties for the libraries or entries within the
- Filesets:
creates filesets for the libraries or entries.
- Paths:
creates paths for the libraries or entries.
Along with this, the built-in Antlion processors also support a
subpriority attribute, which allows for fine-tuning the order in
which processors execute. In general, a processor will run before
processors with larger priority values. More details regarding priorities
are discussed in the policy how-to
Here's all the built-in processors currently supported by Antlion:
Creates one or more Ant properties for each lib-entry in the
library. The property names are the embedded format strings, and
the value is the location of the lib-entry's file.
For each entry in the library, this processor will match its
attributes against the registered formatters. Each matched
formatter will be used as the Ant property name, with the
fully-qualified file location of the library entry as the property
This type runs at the property priority.
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
format |
A format expression, to be used as a generated property name.
Nested Elements
A format expression, to be used as a generated property name.
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
text |
the format expression
Yes |
Creates one Ant path reference for the library, containing every entry
in the library and its contained referenced libraries.
If the library has a pathid attribute, then its value
is used as the refid for the generated path. If the library has a
id attribute, then the refid for the path will be
the prefix prepended to the id value. If
neither of these attributes are specified, then the processor
does not creates a path for the library.
The prefix default is "path.", but the default can be overridden
with the prefix attribute in this element. Also, the
library itself can define the prefix with the path-prefix
As of Antlion 0.9.0, you can specify <format> elements
as an alternative to the prefix formatting. This allows for better
customization of the ID generation. Specifying both a format and a
prefix will cause an error.
This type runs at the path priority.
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
prefix |
No (defaults to "path.") |
Nested Elements
Sets a format for the generation of the ID based on the attributes
set on the library itself (rather than the elements in the
library). If you add a format element, then specifying a
prefix attribute will generate a build error.
Creates one Ant fileset reference for the library, containing every
entry in the library and its contained referenced libraries. The
base directory for the fileset will be the lowest-common denominator
for all included files. Some operating systems may have
problems with this technique, and in such situations an error is
If the library has a filesetid attribute, then its value
is used as the refid for the generated fileset. If the library has a
id attribute, then the refid for the fileset will be
the prefix prepended to the id value. If neither of these attributes
are specified, then the processor does not creates a fileset for the
The prefix default is "fileset.", but the default can be overridden
with the prefix attribute in this element. Also, the
library itself can define the prefix with the
fileset-prefix attribute.
As of Antlion 0.9.0, you can specify <format> elements
as an alternative to the prefix formatting. This allows for better
customization of the ID generation. Specifying both a format and a
prefix will cause an error.
(As of Antlion 0.5.0) When an artifact or entry is determined
to be a directory, then it is added to the fileset as a "**" pattern,
meaning that the fileset will include all the files within the
This type runs at the fileset priority.
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
prefix |
The text to prepend to the generated reference id.
No (defaults to "fileset.") |
Nested Elements
Sets a format for the generation of the ID based on the attributes
set on the library itself (rather than the elements in the
library). If you add a format element, then specifying a
prefix attribute will generate a build error.
Since 0.4.0
Identical to the fileset processor, but generates an ordered
filelist reference.
If the library has a filelistid attribute, then its value
is used as the refid for the generated fileset. If the library has a
id attribute, then the refid for the fileset will be
the prefix prepended to the id value. If neither of these attributes
are specified, then the processor does not creates a fileset for the
The prefix default is "filelist.", but the default can be overridden
with the prefix attribute in this element. Also, the
library itself can define the prefix with the
filelist-prefix attribute.
As of Antlion 0.9.0, you can specify <format> elements
as an alternative to the prefix formatting. This allows for better
customization of the ID generation. Specifying both a format and a
prefix will cause an error.
(As of Antlion 0.5.0) When an artifact or entry is determined
to be a directory, then the directory itself is added to the
filelist, but none of its contents. This is done because, in the case
of artifacts, the directory might not exist at filelist creation time,
making it impossible to discover the contents.
This type runs at the fileset priority.
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
prefix |
The text to prepend to the generated reference id.
No (defaults to "filelist.") |
Nested Elements
Sets a format for the generation of the ID based on the attributes
set on the library itself (rather than the elements in the
library). If you add a format element, then specifying a
prefix attribute will generate a build error.
Adds the set of default processors (described
here) into the policy.
Each added processor runs at its specific priority level.
Creates one Ant property, set to the names of the
files in the library, without the path. This property value is
suitable for setting the MANIFEST.MF file's Class-Path
value. Only creates this property for libraries with the attribute
manifest-classpath set to the name of the property to be
This type runs at the property priority.
For each attribute in the library whose name is in this element's list,
add the name and value to each lib-entry which doesn't have the
attribute with that name set. Note that this processor does not
execute on referenced libraries.
If no attribute list is given, then it defaults to
"groupid, group, version".
This type runs at the pre-repository priority, and has a
default sub-priority of -4.
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
attributes |
A comma-separated list of attributes that will be copied to all
contained lib-entries that don't have that attribute set.
No |
The processor must be setup with a collection of "dynamic attributes".
These specify an attribute to be added to each lib-entry with
a value from the Ant properties. The specific Ant property can
be specified as a format expression.
In other words, each dynamic attribute in this processor will declare
an Ant property format based on existing attributes, and the resulting
property name will be used to set the entry's corresponding attribute
with the value of that property.
See the example below for how you can use this in practice.
This processor is also, as of Antlion 0.9.0, aliased as
<property-attribute> , to help avoid confusion with
<derived-attribute> . Please note that in Antlion 1.0.0, the
name dynamic-attribute will be removed and replaced with
property-attribute .
This type runs at the pre-repository priority, and has a
default sub-priority of -3.
Nested Elements
Defines one attribute to set in the lib-entry. If the lib-entry
already has this attribute set, then this attribute will be
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
attrib |
the name of the attribute to set.
Yes |
property |
the format text defining the Ant property value to set the
attribute to.
Yes |
<repository dir="${3rdparty}">
<format text="[group]/[name]-[version].[type]" />
<path />
<attribute attrib="version" property="lib.[group].[name].version" />
<attribute attrib="version" property="lib.[group].version" />
<property name="lib.coverage.compile.version" value="4.5-beta2" />
<property name="lib.coverage.version" value="4.5-beta1" />
<library id="lib.coverage">
<entry group="coverage" name="compile" />
<entry group="coverage" name="report" />
<entry group="coverage" name="runtime" version="4.5-rc1" />
When the library lib.coverage is referenced, the
<dynamic-attribute> processor will attempt to create the
"version" attribute in each entry, based off of the listed
attribute elements in order. Let's look at each one in turn:
- group="coverage" name="compile": Since the
version attribute has not been set, the processor will attempt
this entry.
The first attribute element will attempt to match these two
attributes against
lib.[group].[name].version .
It matches, being formatted as
lib.coverage.compile.version . This, then, is looked
up as a property, which was set to "4.5-beta2". The entry is now
assigned the additional attribute version=4.5beta2 .
The second attribute element runs on this entry, but the
version attribute has now been set, so it skips the entry.
- group="coverage" name="report": Since the
version attribute has not been set, the processor will attempt
this entry.
The first attribute element will attempt to match these two
attributes against
lib.[group].[name].version .
It matches, being formatted as
lib.coverage.report.version . This, then, is looked
up as a property, which is not set. So, the second attribute
element attempts to match this entry against
lib.[group].version , which maps to
"lib.coverage.version". A property lookup is done, which
succeeds, and so the attribute version=4.2-beta1 is
associated with this entry.
- group="coverage" name="runtime": The
version attribute has been set, so both attribute elements skip
this entry.
Since 0.9.0
This maps from a format string to an attribute value. It allows for
simple entry attributes to form more complex, derived attributes. Also,
any declared derived attribute can build off of a previously declared
derived attribute.
See the example below for how you can use this in practice.
This type runs at the pre-repository priority, and has a
default sub-priority of -2, so it will run after the
<dynamic-attribute> processor.
Nested Elements
Defines one attribute to set in the lib-entry. If the lib-entry
already has this attribute set, then this attribute will be
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
attrib |
the name of the attribute to set.
Yes |
format |
the format text defining the value of the attribute, based on the
entry's settings.
Yes |
<repository dir="${3rdparty}">
<format text="[group]/[filename]" />
<path />
<attribute attrib="filename" format="[name]-[version].[type]" />
<library id="lib.coverage">
<entry group="coverage" name="compile" version="4.5-beta1" />
When the library lib.coverage is referenced, the
<derived-attribute> processor will attempt to create the
"filename" attribute on the entry. Since the entry doesn't have the
"filename" attribute, the processor proceeds to attempt to match
the entry. The format text
[name]-[version].[type] matches the entry's attributes,
forming "compile-4.5-beta1.jar" (the "type" attribute defaults to
"jar"). The entry now has the attribute
filename="compile-4.5-beta1.jar" .
Since 0.4.0
Ensures that every entry was discovered by a repository. If an entry
did not match a file in a repository, then the build will fail. If
the entry is marked as an artifact (meaning that it may not be built
at the time of the library definition), the file does not need to
exist. Otherwise, the referenced file must exist, and conform to the
type classification (if the "type" attribute is "dir", then the
location must be a directory, otherwise it must be a file).
Note that this will work correctly in conjunction with the
<compatible-version> processor: multiple entries that
are filtered down to a single entry will cause the <must-find>
processor to only check the final, single entry for existence.
This runs at the validate priority.
Since 0.7.0
This processor intends to select a single version of an entry from
a listed set of versions. It finds all the entries in a library that
have matching values for the attributes specified in the
matchAttributes parameter, and selects the entry with the
versionAttribute value that best meets the
selection criteria.
Let's say we define the processor like this:
<compatible-version versionAttribute="compatible-version"
matchAttributes="g, n, type" chooseHighestVersion="true" />
and we have a library setup like this (we're interested in the outcome
of library id "z"):
<library id="widget">
<lib-entry g="mine" n="widget" version="1.0" />
<lib-entry g="apache" n="log4j" compatible-version="1.2.6" />
<library id="gui">
<lib-entry g="mine" n="gui" version="1.0beta2" />
<lib-entry g="apache" n="log4j" compatible-version="1.2.8" />
<library id="z">
<library refid="widget" />
<library refid="gui" />
Based on the matchAttributes list, the
<compatible-version> processor will look at the group of
entries that share values for these attributes. In this case, it will
group all of the log4j library entries together, since they have a
matching g , n , and type
(which, here, defaults to "jar"). The other two jars will be left
From the log4j set, the processor chooses the highest version entry,
which happens to be "1.2.8". Then, whenever some processor that runs
at a priority after this processor executes, it will see library "z"
as having only the widget entry, the gui entry, and the log4j version
1.2.8 entry.
This processor, when combined with the <split> processor,
can allow for easy-to-generate compabile version entries.
This runs immediately after the Repositories processors.
The mechanism for selecting the right version is done by using a
custom java.util.Comparator class to sort the version
strings, and select the first item in the list.
The default sorter works by splitting the version string into tokens.
It sees the tokens as a string of numbers or of letters.
Non-alphanumeric characters are ignored and considered token
separators. In the case of version strings like "1.2beta2a", the
ordered token list is "1", "2", "beta", "2", "a". It then follows
a set of rules for ordering:
- Numbers are ordered like numbers, and never like decimal points,
so that "1.2" would be an earlier version than "1.10".
- Letter strings are sorted according to the JVM's
locale-specific sort mechanism, such that "a" is an earlier version
than "b". This is also dependent on whether the ignoreVersionCase
flag is set or not.
- If version A has more tokens than version B, then version A will
only be considered earlier than B if the first "extra" token
is a letter string. Thus, "1.2beta" and "1.2rc" are earlier than
"1.2", but "1.2" is earlier than "1.2.1". Likewise, "1.2rc" is
earlier than "1.2rc2".
You can add your own Comparator by either adding the class to the
Ant classpath and referencing the class name in the
versionComparatorClass parameter, or by registering the
class via a <typedef> declaration and adding it as an
element to the processor.
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
versionAttribute |
the name of the attribute which contains the version string. If the
values of this attribute does not equal (case sensitive) between
two entries which match, then the build fails. The default value is
No |
matchAttributes |
defines a comma-separated list of attributes whose values must equal for
two entries to be considered referencing the same library file. The
default match attributes are: "group", "groupid", "artifact",
"artifactid", and "type".
No |
ignoreMatchCase |
a boolean which tells the processor if the values of the match
attributes should be case insensitive (true) or must match exactly
(false, the default).
No |
ignoreVersionCase |
a boolean which tells the processor if the version selection should
take case sensitivity into consideration (false, the default), or if
case should be ignored (true). This parameter will be ignored if
a custom Comparator is used.
No |
chooseHighestVersion |
a boolean which tells the processor which version should take
precedence: the higher version (true), or the lower version
(false, the default).
No |
<repository dir="${3rdparty}">
<format text="[group]/[name]-[compatible-version].[type]" />
<path />
<split listAttribute="compatible-with"
destinationAttribute="compatible-version" />
<compatible-version versionAttribute="compatible-version"
matchAttributes="group, name, type" />
<library id="lib.apache">
<entry group="apache" name="log4j" compatible-with="1.2.6, 1.2.7, 1.2.8" />
<entry group="apache" name="xml-api" compatible-version="2.6.1" />
<entry group="apache" name="xml-api" compatible-version="2.6.2" />
When the library lib.apache is referenced, the
<compatible-version> processor will search the
library, and retrieve the highest version for each of
log4j and xml-api jar files. The first entry is split
into three entries (via the <split> processor), one
for each version. Since all of these three
share the same values for the group and name attributes,
the entry with the "highest" version string from these three
will be chosen (1.2.8 in this case). The same is true for
the xml-api set (2.6.2 will be chosen). Thus, the <path>
processor will create a path instance, with refid "path.lib.apache",
which contains a reference to
${3rdparty}/apache/log4j-1.2.8.jar and
${3rdparty}/apache/xml-api-2.6.2.jar .
Since 0.3.1
The next release of Antlion will include a different processor
which should supercede this one, but <version-check>
will remain due to it being a slightly different check for
For each library group, check if any entry defines the same library file
but a different version. If such a conflict exists, then a build error
is raised. Two entries are considered referencing the same library
file if their "match" attributes are identical.
There is no way for this checker to be 100% accurate. There exist
some circumstances where the entries reference the same library file
but in different ways, but the versions are different. For instance,
some library packages like Cactus come with their own copies of
common libraries, which may be used elsewhere in a repository.
Such libraries are difficult to define such that they may be
version checked.
Note that even if two libraries are binary compatible, this will still
fail. The versions must either exactly match, or this processor will
fail the build. Human intervention is required to determine which
library version to use, and the build must be correspondingly altered.
Future note: currently there are plans to expand the version
dependency checking of Antlion. This will allow for a library to define
compatible versions of an entry, from which only one will be chosen.
This should solve many of the issues surrounding binary compatibility
between Java JAR files.
This type runs at the validate priority.
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
versionAttribute |
the name of the attribute which contains the version string. If the
values of this attribute does not equal (case sensitive) between
two entries which match, then the build fails. The default value is
No |
matchAttributes |
defines a comma-separated list of attributes whose values must equal for
two entries to be considered referencing the same library file. The
default match attributes are: "group", "groupid", "artifact",
"artifactid", and "type".
No |
ignoreMatchCase |
a boolean which tells the checker if the values of the match attributes
should be case insensitive (true) or must match exactly (false, the
No |
Since 0.4.0
Allows for writing a custom processor in a scripting language supported
by the Ant task <script> .
See the How-To Guide on Policies for
details on how to use this processor.
You may give the source either inside the <script> tag, or
reference a file containing the script by specifying the
src attribute.
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
src |
the location of the source file of the script to execute.
No |
language |
the name of the scripting language that will be executed.
Yes |
priority |
the priority of the <script> processor. This dictates the
order in which the processor executes relative to the other processors.
You may either give an number, or a descriptive name:
Name | order number |
first | -150 |
prerepositories | -50 |
repositories | 0 |
properties | 150 |
filesets | 250 |
paths | 350 |
validate | 450 |
last | 550 |
If a priority isn't given, then it defaults to the paths
priority. Since you can directly set the priority level here, a
<script> processor does not have a sub-priority. More details
regarding priorities are discussed in the
policy how-to guide.
No |
libraryName |
the resource name of the library argument to the script. Defaults to
No |
loggerName |
the resource name of the logger argument to the script. Defaults to
No |