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Compiling the Code

Now that we have fully described the artifacts that we will create with this project, we need to compile them.

Running javac

Using our Antlion-constructed references, we declare the "compile" target in two pieces, one for the core Java files, and one for the unit tests:

  <property name="classes-tests.dir"
    location="${work.dir}/classes-ut" />

  <target name="compile"
      description="Compile the source and test code"
      depends="compile::java, compile::tests"/>
  <target name="compile::java">
    <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}" />
    <javac debug="true" deprecation="true"
        includeAntRuntime="false" srcdir="src/java"
      <classpath refid="" />
        <fileset refid="fs-src.simple" />
    <copy todir="${classes.dir}">
      <fileset refid="fs-other.simple" />

  <target name="compile::tests">
    <mkdir dir="${classes-tests.dir}" />
    <javac debug="true" deprecation="true"
        includeAntRuntime="false" srcdir="src/tests"
      <classpath refid="" />
        <fileset refid="fs-src.simple-tests" />
    <copy todir="${classes-tests.dir}">
      <fileset refid="fs-other.simple-tests" />

This will compile the code, and copy the non-Java files into the classes directories. We use the Antlion-generated identifiers for the depends classpaths, but use the fileset IDs we explicitly specified for the source files. Note that even though we used the <sourcepath> elements, we still need to declare the srcdir.

Note that the "compile::tests" target does not declare a dependency upon the "compile::java" target. This allows a knowledgable user to spend their valuable seconds on building the "compile::java" only when they need to; that is, if they are working on the unit tests, they shouldn't spend their time running a task that isn't necessary. Also, since only the "compile" target has a description, the -projecthelp argument to Ant will only tell users about the "compile" target.

Creating The Jars

Since we just created a directory that's nicely organized for a jar file, we might as well create the jar files now, one for each declared artifact:

  <target name="dist"
      description="create the distributable files"
      depends="compile, dist::java, dist::tests" />
  <target name="dist::java">
    <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
    <jar destfile="${artifact.simpleproject.jar}"
        <attribute name="Class-Path"
            value="${mfcp.simpleproject.jar}" />
  <target name="dist::tests">
    <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
    <jar destfile="${artifact.simpleproject-tests.jar}"
        basedir="${classes-tests.dir}" />

Even though the individual distribution targets have a dependency upon the compiled source, we only declare this dependency for the owning "dist" target. This allows a knowledgable user to only build what they need to build. Our artifacts, however, require a tighter set of dependencies to work correctly, so we have those as separate targets, with the full dependency list.

  <target name="artifact::jar"
      depends="compile::java, dist::java" />
  <target name="artifact::test-jar"
      depends="compile::java, compile::tests, dist::tests" />

Here, we force the correct dependencies, even with the tests, since the java code must be compiled before the tests.

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Document version $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2005/10/31 04:37:58 $

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