You can build Antlion yourself by checking out the all
module from CVS
(which is an alias for all the active projects). As this downloads the
3rd party libraries, this may take some time.
You will need JDK 1.2 or better installed on your machine.
To prepare your shell environment for building Antlion, you'll need
to run some setup scripts in the shell.
For Windows, you will execute the following commands to build (the
symbol marks the command prompt):
> set JAVA_HOME=[your jdk]
> cd [antlion-home]\BUILD
> setenv.bat
while Un*x users will type ($
marks the command prompt):
$ export JAVA_HOME=[your jdk]
$ cd [antlion-home]/BUILD
$ .
Alternatively, you may add this into your shell startup scripts if
you plan on building Antlion often.
To build a particular project within Antlion, simply execute
with the properly setup shell; the environment
scripts above will put the right version of Ant onto the Path.
To build the entire project, run ant
from the
[antlion-home] directory.
For the full build, you will need to pass to Antlion the location of different
JDK version installations, for compatibility tests. You may either pass these
as -D
arguments to Ant, or store them in a
, located in the base Antlion directory. Here's
an example of this file's contents for Windows:
At this time, only the config.jvm.1.2
setting is needed. If you
wish to run the full build but do not have a 1.2 JVM for your system, then
this can be replaced with a different version of the JVM, under the knowledge
that the tests will not be running in the correct environment.